* called whenever the progress bar needs to be updated.
* that is whenever progress was made.
* @param done an int representing the work done so far
* @param total an int representing the total work
public void update(int done, int total) {
// contains the characters that create the spinning wait symbol
char[] workchars = {'|', '/', '-', '\\'};
* it is the progress bar format.
* let's have a closer look:
* - \r is the carriage return, in other words it moves
* the "cursor" to the first position on the same line
* - %3d is a 3 digit decimal integer
* - %% is the literal % character
* - %s is a string, particularly the "###...#" symbols
* - %c is a character, particularly the spinning wait symbol
String format = "\r%3d%% %s %c";
// calculates how much work units per cent have been completed
int percent = (++done * 100) / total;
// total number of # to be appended
int extrachars = (percent / 2) - this.progress.length();
// append the # to the progress bar
while (extrachars-- > 0) {
// updates/redraws the progress bar
System.out.printf(format, percent,
progress, workchars[done % workchars.length]);
* if the work have been completed it forces the output
* to be written, changes line and resets itself so it
* can be reused.
if (done == total) {